
BECOME A monthly donor




Are you interested in making a difference with us? We’d love to put your skills to use. All compassionate, caring volunteers must be 18 years of age or older, be able to lift in excess of 25lbs, and willing to work in all weather conditions upon completion of training.


engage with elected officials

We realize the need to address old, outdated or generally absent ordinances within our county that would significantly improve the standards of care for dogs and other animals. We encourage our supporters to attend your local town hall meetings, call or email your local commissioners, and use your voice to demand that we address improvements to our local and county animal ordinances.


report animal cruelty

If you SEE something, say something! The most effective way to report to your local law enforcement agency is by being proactive and don’t wait! If you are safely able to document what you see, via taking a picture or video and immediately report specific location, day and time.