
The concept of Bloom began in early 2016, driving to/from a project we began undertaking here in Branch County. Each day I would pass by a home and notice this little brown dog on a chain, tucked up against her doghouse as tightly as possible to capture as much shade as was allowed. This was her respite from the unforgiving summer sun.

Each day, back and forth I went, and I could not get her image out of my mind. There she lay, every day in plain sight off this very busy road, languishing in the boredom of another day on a chain. I wondered if other passers by noticed her as much as I had.

Then I began thinking, “someone should do something about this!” and it turned out I was speaking to myself. It soon became a little routine that each day passing her home, I’d point and say to her “I’m coming for you little one…” and then one day I did.

It started out with a conversation- a greeting and a handshake, followed by asking politely about this little brown dog. Although I was terribly nervous, it was a starting point that day. What has followed has been an ongoing relationship built on trust, lots of patience and understanding. It’s not always been easy, and it never will be. However, improvements have been made, visits regular, and with time, I see a brighter future.

One household became several, and the more conversations I started the easier they became. People are generally open. What you see is not always the picture of reality. Resources can be scarce, or at times, non-existent. Education is incredibly necessary in our community. There is a way to reach and improve the lives of these animals, by advocating on their behalf: by engaging families.

I owe a tremendous thank you to my army of amazing local partners, mentors, and organizations who’ve helped make Bloom what it is today, and what it’s becoming. It takes a village they say. It takes our community indeed, to be active and engaged in the advocacy of improving animal welfare together.

With gratitude.


